The price of accommodation with breakfast (except July, August) is:

Single room - PLN 190
Double room - PLN 260
Large double room PLN 300
Triple room – PLN 330
Triple room (with large window) - PLN 360

The price of accommodation with breakfast for July, August is:

Single room - PLN 220
Double room - PLN 300
Large double room PLN 340
Triple room – PLN 380
Triple room (with large window) - PLN 400

Each room with a separate bathroom.
The day starts at 3:00 p.m. on the day of arrival and ends at 12:00 on the day of departure.

At the guests' request, we prepare lunches for PLN 70 per person and supper for PLN 50 per person.
Preliminary reservations can be made by phone or e-mail.

The room price includes breakfast and parking. During your stay, free coffee and tea, herbal teas, fruit from the garden in season.

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